Youth Advocates Through Theater Arts [YATTA] (Dumaguete, Philippines)

Buds Theatre (Singapore)

Teatro Guindegan (Ozamiz City, Philippines)
Workshop: Traditional folk dance of Bangladesh, 2020. Workshop, 2021. Super Tane, 2022.
Performance: The Blue man, 2020. Choir of colors, 2021. Dhamail, stick dance & satali, 2022.

Prachyanat (Dhaka, Bangladesh)

The USA Little Theater (USALT) (Iloilo City, Philippines)

Inwa School Of Performing Arts (Mandalay, Myanmar)

Lanyim Theatre (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
Workshop: Japanese sword action, ‘Tate’, 2020. Learning lecoq- 2021. Nihon Buyo, 2022.
Perfromance: Pandemic of words, 2020. Runeland, 2021. Isolated, 2022.

Sakai International (Osaka, Japan)
Workshop: Navarasa Sadhana, 2022.
Performance: Bhanwarya Kaalet, 2022.

Kalandar Society (Jaipur, India)
Workshop: Responding with senses, 2020. Plotting points, 2021.Point point line, 2022.
Performance: Virtual interactive performance experience vol 2.0: Nongskuy, 2020. Vip 3.0. Cerita akar 2.0, 2022.

Gigi Art Of Dance (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Workshop: Dance with Brunei, 2020. D.I.Y Devise It Yourself, 2021. Culture mash-up, 2022.
Performance: Through our eyes, 2020. Strings attached, 2021.

247 Studios (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei)
Workshop: Mek Mulang, 2021. Introduction to traditional malaysia dance, 2022.
Performance: Masak-masak, 2021. Reboot/Rebut, 2022.

Taylor’s University, TUTAS (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Workshop: Tiin Tiin… Good bye forest and hello new world, 2019. Notifications!, 2020. The blessing colour of the week, 2021.
Performance: Connecting humanity, 2020. Chapey man, 2021

Khmer Art Action (Cambodia)
Performance: Same, Same but different, 2022.

Phare, The Cambodian Circus (Siem Reap, Cambodia)

Royal University Of Fine Arts (Phnom Penh Cambodia)

Bokator (Cambodia)
Performance:: khmeng Khaol – The ancient art of young male mask puppetry, 2022.

Male Mask Dance Youth(Cambodia )
Performance: Medha, 2022.

Medha (Siem Reap, Cambodia)

Victory Flag House (Cambodia)

Medley House Productions (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei)

Mat Tran Ensemble (Hanoi, Vietnam)
Workshop: Monument of empathy, 2018. Empathising with the environment 2019,
Performance: Who’s going to tell her?, 2018. Bumi, 2019.

Seeds Theatre ( Bandar Sri Bengawan, Brunei )

Magik Musical ( Vietnam )
Workshop: 殺陣 Japanese Sword action, 2018. Lunch & learn, 2019.
Performance: Before, 2018. Close, 2019.

Fream! Theatre (Osaka, Japan)
Workshop: Masks on stage, 2018.
Performance: Sandcastle, 2018

Green leaf Theatre House (Sabah, Malaysia)

Deep Acting (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

Khao Niew Theatre Group (Vientiane, Laos)

Route180 Productions (Singapore)
Workshops: Blind Tasting (Repurposing Memories on Stage), 2017. Intro to B-Boying/ B-Girling, 2018.
Performance: The Wedding Pig, 2017. The Hawker, 2018.

The Second Breakfast Company (Singapore)

The Young Company (Singapore)

RDG Through Theatre (Singapore)

Seni Teater Rakyat (Malaysia)

Operation Theatre (Singapore)

Jabatan Kebudayaan Dan Kesenian (Johor,Malaysia)